proper nutrition

Proper nutrition for fat burning and muscle set

Now the most interesting, the food is divided into two parts: low in calories or carbohydrates and high-carbohydrate meals. Here is the description:

Low-calorie or low-carbohydrate portion

Duration of proper nutrition: all day without training and the first part of the day before training.

Number of calories: multiply 22-26 by body weight.

The number and ratio of nutrients: 50% protein, 30% fat, and 20% carbohydrates.

High-calorie or high-carbohydrate portion

Duration of proper nutrition: only on days of training. From the beginning of strength training to sleep.

The number of calories: the same number of calories as in a normal low-calorie day, only these calories should be consumed in 6-8 hours. (22-26 x per body weight or about 1600-1900 calories for a person weighing 80 kg)

The number and ratio of nutrients: 20% protein, 5% fat, and 75% carbohydrates.

proper nutrition

Proper Nutrition – Normal Calorie Content

Duration of food: days off

The number of calories: multiply 33 by the body weight.

The number and ratio of nutrients: 50% protein, 30% fat, and 20% carbohydrates.

Schedule of lessons

Monday – morning cardio, evening weight training *
Tuesday – high-intensity cardio, we do at any time
Wednesday – morning cardio, evening strength training *
Thursday – high intensity cardio, we do at any time
Friday – cardio in the morning, strength training in the evening *
Saturday – high intensity cardio at any time + normal caloric value
Sunday – without training + normal calorie

* In the morning, cardio to choose from depends individually

So, let’s try the food program by example. At a weight of 80 kg, our potential athlete needs 1600-1920 on days with a low carbohydrate / calorie content. A 50B / 30Zh / 20U in terms of calories will be 200 grams of protein / 53 grams of fat and 80 grams of carbohydrates. Let’s first describe the food per day without weight training, for example Tuesday.


It is better to perform high-intensity cardio or running late in the morning or in the early evening. The time of intense cardio on days without strength training is not particularly important for fat burning. But, keep in mind – by evening metabolism tends to slow down. Performing intensive training at this time, you make the metabolism work all 24 hours a day. After running, you need to drink a protein shake along with a carbohydrate liquid beverage, containing 40 grams of carbohydrates in a portion (half the daily carbohydrate norm).

If your body is responsive and heavily consuming carbohydrates during exercise, try increasing their number after training, no matter what time it is spent. All day of rest, your body will be in a hard fat burning state. The diet should consist of meat, vegetables rich in fiber and quality fats every three hours throughout the day.


Again, our potential training began and this time is a slow, prolonged cardio for 40 minutes. The load is chosen so that it allows you to calmly breathe, but at the same time, it would be difficult to keep the conversation in conversation. After cardio, drink a protein-carbohydrate cocktail. The amount of carbohydrates should be less than a day after intense cardio. Somewhere 20 grams of carbohydrates, since prolonged cardio less consumes glycogen in the body.

Still it is necessary to take into account that Wednesday is a day of strength training scheduled for 15:00 hours. On this day in the diet should keep a low-calorie diet for almost half a day. So the amount of nutrients in the diet is half of the whole day: 1,600 calories, 200 grams of protein, 53 grams of fat and 80 grams of carbohydrates. We need to divide by two and consume 800 calories, 100 g of protein, 26 g of fat and 40 g of carbohydrates before training (15:00).

At 15:00 we begin to raise anabolism for a set of muscles! Even before the start of training, it is necessary to take a portion of proteins and carbohydrates (geyner or BCAA with dextrose). After training, another cocktail of dextrose / maltodextrin and whey protein is followed, and then, rather, home to take high-quality, high-carb foods. The number of nutrients from 15:00 to sleep is: 1600 calories, 80 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat and 300 grams of carbohydrates for a weight of 80 kg. This means eating only low-fat, high-carb products.

Good foods such as white potatoes, rice, oatmeal are ideal for replenishing glycogen in the muscles and muscle growth, as well as all cereals, low-fat cakes, etc. Reduce the consumption of fruits and fructose to a minimum, and just stay away from fat. Having a high level of insulin, fat immediately mobilizes into the fat depot (in reserve). Continue to consume carbohydrates all the time until sleep, and then morning with a new diet of proper nutrition lasting 1.5 days before strength training and again high-carb time, so we alternate again and again.

In the world there are a huge number of different diets and nutrition systems. Many of them really help, but it is worth remembering that all diets are chosen completely individually. Therefore, do not assume that if the diet has helped others, then it will certainly help you. Another thing is proper nutrition, observance of the basic rules should be carried out throughout life, and not in a certain period of time. Rational nutrition should become a way of life. Keeping proper diet for weight loss, you can not only maintain your figure in shape, but also improve your health and make your life more harmonious.

Scientists of many countries have already proved that the human body obeys the laws of thermodynamics. In this regard, the basis of healthy and nutritious nutrition is the principle: the energy value must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body. But unfortunately this condition is most often violated. Namely, in connection with this, the consumption of high-calorie products (sugar, potatoes, bread, etc.) is much higher than energy costs. As a consequence, with each year of life, a mass accumulates, which turns into overweight and obesity.

In addition, there is a second principle – the chemical composition of substances must necessarily individually meet the physiological needs of the body. According to the rules, at least seventy different ingredients must enter the body every day. They are vital, because they are not synthesized in the body. From this comes the following principle of proper nutrition – the maximum variety of food.

Last in order, but not in the sense of the principle of proper nutrition – this is the correct diet. The correct diet is alternation, multiplicity and regularity of meals. The need for food substances, energy and diet is chosen entirely individually, depending on the needs of the body, physical activity and age.