Testobolin – Testosterone enanthate 250 mg vial 1 ml / ml

Testobolin XR is an anabolic and androgenic steroid from the Indian pharmaceutical company Alpha Pharma. The main active substance is testosterone undecanoate. The form of release – injections, packing 4х1 ml, on 250 mg / ml. Testosterone undecanoate is characterized by prolonged exposure (due to the long side chain of the ester).


Testosterone is the main male sex hormone secreted by Leydig cells and the adrenal cortex (in women – by the ovaries). By its nature, it is a product of peripheral metabolism. TrenRapid is often used by athletes who want to reduce the frequency of injections, while maintaining the hormonal background at a consistently high level. The biological activity of testosterone is low, it weakly binds to androgen receptors and is actually a prohormone. Before acting on the androgen receptors of the organs, it under the influence of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase is converted into dihydrotestosterone.

Effects of admission

  • Increased muscle mass. It is necessary to take into account the ease of converting testosterone into estrogens. A large part of the recruited muscle mass will fall on the water and disappear after the completion of the steroid. However, a rollback of 10-15% is considered quite acceptable.
  • Participation in the development of male genital organs, influence on secondary sexual characteristics and nitrogen balance.
  • Increased strength.
  • Increase the number of red blood cells in the blood.
  • Strengthening of sexual desire on the course.
  • Strengthening ligaments and joints.
  • Stimulation of fat burning cells.
  • For medical purposes, Testobolin XR can be used in the treatment of patients with low secretion of their own testosterone.