train on steroids

How to train on steroids

Train on steroids, tips and advice, what training to use when you are training on anabolic drugs. High-intensity, strength training, pamp training spend huge energy resources of the athlete’s body, as a result of which, there may be overtraining, which affects the overall fatigue of the athlete, reduced efficiency, physical activity, but the use of […]

Warm up

Warm up before training

Regardless of whether your plan is a normal body weight training or a simple run, the warm up should be the first number in the to-do list (after preheating). But what is the ideal way to do the warm up? Experts agree that the warm up should heat and stretch (relax) the body, also help […]

Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises and flexibility

On a note If you neglect exercise for the development of flexibility (stretching, massage with rollers and other painful procedures), you miss a lot. The barbell and dumbbells, when used correctly, are, of course, faithful assistants in the sculptural and sporting modeling of the body. But it is worth remembering that the muscles in the […]

proper nutrition

Proper nutrition for fat burning and muscle set

Now the most interesting, the food is divided into two parts: low in calories or carbohydrates and high-carbohydrate meals. Here is the description: Low-calorie or low-carbohydrate portion Duration of proper nutrition: all day without training and the first part of the day before training. Number of calories: multiply 22-26 by body weight. The number and […]